Malaysia Trip 05 / 06

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Final Shopping Trip

With the end of our holiday fast approaching, we took Sunday as an opportunity to fit in some final shopping around KL with Shirley and Carl while Doug was visiting some relatives. Carl picked us up around lunchtime and once the car had been parked we all went for lunch at Shirley's recommended teppanyaki restaurant.

She wasn't wrong about the place and it was easily the best teppanyaki I ate during my holiday. Everyone sits round a hot plate area and they cook all the food right in front of you and then dish it out. If they had a similar place in Leicester I would definitely be a regular, but then I could probably say that about a lot of places I have eaten over here!

Then it was on with the shopping as guys and gals separated mainly so that the guys wouldn't get bored 8) Our first stop was the Louis Vuitton shop so Rich could pick up a purse for his missus. We had popped in before to look at the purse, Rich had asked for discount and had been refused. But with a couple of nights bargaining experience under his belt from the night markets in Penang they must have seen in his eyes that he meant business the second time around and promptly knocked some money off. Shirley was most amused by this later as her friend buys a bit of stuff from there and hasn't received discount before.

Trainers, CDs and headphones later we were bored of shopping and so went and had a beer instead while we waited for the girls to finish. About an hour later they arrived weighed down with a fair few bags each. Carl went to get the car and we went back to the apartment to drop off our shopping and get ready for dinner.

Dinner this evening was at a Korean BBQ restaurant in Hartamas and was a new experience for Doug as well as the Brits. Basically you sit at a long table that has two hot plates sunk into it. They come and put hot coals under the hot plates and then cook your chosen meats for you. You also get a massive selection of pickles and mini salad type thing with it as well as various dips so your whole table ends up a mass of little white dishes. The food was excellent and we sampled a fair amount of what was on offer. Particularly good was the belly pork cooked with big bits of garlic, mmmmm.

Carl, Shirley, Calvin and Brendan had all joined us for dinner so afterwards we went out for some drinks at a cafe. The cafe we were at also happened to have a Ramly burger stall on it so we thought it would be rude not to get some bungkus for later. Ramly burgers are a brand of burgers used all over Malaysia but each stall has its own take on how it serves the burger. This particular place does a double burger wrapped in egg with all kinds of salad and chilli sauce etc. The resulting burger is normally a sloppy mess, but they always taste good!

We said our goodbyes to Brendan and then headed back to the apartment.


At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you want to move to london mate, you can get teppanaki all over the town.

all that time away and you managed 2 photos - slack.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt - no idea if you'll get this, but I've just posted a belated response to yr query re: kari kambing on EatingAsia. Just wanted to let you know.

Cheers and thanks for reading!
Robyn @ EatingAsia


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